AssetWise Director Help

To Add Impacted Physical Items and Related Serialized Items to a Modification

  1. Open the modification object in the Content pane.
    Note: The status of the modification must be changed to Approved.
  2. Expand the Impacted Physical Items topic.
  3. Click the Delete icon to remove and disassociate a particular physical item from this modification.
  4. To add a new impacted physical item, either type in the physical item number and version or click the Query Physical Items link and search for the relevant physical item(s).
  5. Drag the physical item(s) into the Physical Items pane within the topic.

    The following dialog opens.

  6. Click Yes to add the new impacted item.
  7. AssetWise provides two different implementation options. They are:
    1. The physical item will carry a Mod Strike identifier. In which case the identifier can be entered into the Mod Strike data field.
    2. This modification will result in a new physical item. In this case, set the New check box and then type in the physical item number and version or drag and drop the physical item into the New Item No field within the topic.
  8. Use the No button to add as a results in a new physical item.
  9. Change the status of the modification to Approved.
  10. To specify related serialized items, highlight an impacted physical item in the Physical Items pane, and then click Query Serialized Items.

    AssetWise returns all associated serial numbers for the selected physical item in the Results pane.

  11. Drag one or more serialized item(s) into the Related Serialized Items pane within the topic.

    AssetWise automatically associates the modification related change request(s) (CR) to each serial number.

    Note: If more than one change request (CR) is related to the modification, each serial number will be added multiple times to associate these change requests.
  12. Optionally, select a Date Planned and Date Implemented.